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Twitter Founder Says India, Turkey, Nigeria Threatened to Shut Down Platform

Twitter faced threats of shutdown in India, Turkey, and Nigeria

Jack Dorsey, the co-founder and former CEO of Twitter, said on Monday that the social media platform had faced threats of shutdown in India, Turkey, and Nigeria if it did not comply with the governments’ demands to restrict accounts.

Dorsey made the comments in an interview with the YouTube channel Breaking Points. He said that the threats came after Twitter refused to take down content that the governments of those countries considered to be offensive or harmful.

“We had governments threatening to shut us down in India, Turkey, and Nigeria,” Dorsey said. “They would say, ‘If you don’t take down this content, we’re going to shut you down.'”

Dorsey said that Twitter ultimately decided to take down the content in order to keep the platform operational in those countries. However, he said that the company is still committed to free speech and that it will continue to fight against censorship.

“We’re not going to be bullied into taking down content,” Dorsey said. “We’re going to fight for free speech.”

The threats from India, Turkey, and Nigeria are the latest in a series of challenges that Twitter has faced in recent years. The company has also been criticized for its handling of misinformation and hate speech.

Despite the challenges, Dorsey said that he remains optimistic about the future of Twitter. He said that the platform has the potential to be a powerful force for good in the world.

“I believe in the power of Twitter to change the world,” Dorsey said. “I believe that Twitter can be a force for good.”

Dorsey’s comments come as Twitter is facing increasing scrutiny over its content moderation policies. The company has been criticized for banning certain users and for allowing misinformation to spread on its platform.

It is unclear how Twitter will balance freedom of speech with the need to protect users from harmful content. However, Dorsey’s comments suggest that the company is committed to free speech and that it will continue to fight against censorship.

Advocacy groups raise concerns about human rights in India, Turkey, and Nigeria

Advocacy groups have raised concerns about the human rights situations in India, Turkey, and Nigeria. In all three countries, the government has been accused of restricting freedom of speech and of using social media to silence dissent.

In India, the government has been accused of using its power to block websites and social media platforms that it deems to be critical of the government. In Turkey, the government has been accused of arresting journalists and activists who use social media to criticize the government. And in Nigeria, the government has been accused of using social media to spread misinformation and to incite violence.

The threats to Twitter by the governments of India, Turkey, and Nigeria are a reminder of the challenges that social media platforms face in countries with authoritarian governments. These governments are increasingly using social media to restrict freedom of speech and to silence dissent.

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