Stock Market

Renault’s Big Wig Anticipates a Whopping 10 Billion Euro Tag for Ampere’s Grand Debut!

Hey, have you heard the buzz in Paris? Renault’s electric hotshot, Ampere, is gearing up for a big splash on the stock market scene! Picture this: a jaw-dropping valuation of, hold onto your hats, up to 10 billion euros! That’s a cool $10.8 billion, if you’re keeping score. Renault’s head honcho, Luca de Meo, spilled the beans to the Financial Times at that glitzy IAA car fiesta in Munich. “Think eight, nine, maybe even 10 billion,” he hinted, with a sly wink.

But wait, there’s a twist! Just this Monday, De Meo chatted with Reuters TV, letting slip that while they’re gunning for a spring 2024 listing for Ampere, they’ve got their eyes peeled. Market vibes have got to be just right, or it’s no dice for the big launch. So, fingers crossed, and here’s hoping for smooth sailing!

P.S. A little nugget for you currency enthusiasts: $1 is roughly 0.9275 euros. Don’t spend it all in one place! 😉

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