
New Democratic Coalition Launches AI Focus Group

Chairing the group, Representative Derek Kilmer is at the forefront of forging “well-rounded, bipartisan” AI strategies.

A dedicated artificial intelligence focus group has been initiated by the Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives. This bold move anticipates the framing of novel statutes concerning the burgeoning tech realm.

On August 15th, the New Democrat Coalition, comprising 97 members, unveiled their AI focus group. They’ve voiced intentions to collaboratively work with the Biden administration, engaging a medley of stakeholders and legislators from diverse political backgrounds. Their objective? Craft “well-rounded, bipartisan strategies” addressing the nuances of this cutting-edge tech.

A significant part of the group’s blueprint revolves around optimizing AI’s potential for economic acceleration. However, there’s a simultaneous emphasis on safeguarding employment opportunities for those potentially displaced due to AI advancements.

Under Kilmer’s leadership, a pivotal area the group aims to address is the pervasive rise of AI-driven misinformation. The alarming growth of sophisticated AI-produced deepfakes in the digital realm remains a focal point. He shared with CNBC, “The surging tide of AI-fuelled disinformation, and the potential misapplication of evolved AI blueprints, are pressing issues.” Kilmer stressed the urgency, remarking, “It’s high time for Congress to evolve its understanding—swiftly.”

Echoing these sentiments, a cross-section of legislators, tech magnates, and academic scholars have underscored the imperative to mitigate AI’s potential pitfalls.

Further highlighting the gravity of the issue, Vice President Kamala Harris, in tandem with Biden’s chief consultants, orchestrated a discourse in May. This engagement, featuring numerous AI industry leaders, revolved around the challenges tied to AI.

President Biden, not to be left behind, also organized an insightful session with AI mavericks in Silicon Valley in June, amplifying the conversation around similar AI-related quandaries.

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