Buildings that improve themselves and eliminate ‘ink life pollution’

Boston: Life ink containing various bacteria can be used to build buildings that not only reduce harmful germs and gases, but also reduce damage to buildings.

Avinash Baswana from the Massachusetts Technology Institute (MIT) said that ink realized the type reacted to the environment. Web bacteria on them absorb toxic compounds. However, genetically modified E. coli bacteria combinations can create a living structure that can eliminate toxic compounds or release izurin cancer drugs. If it is not treated, they reduce poisons bisphenol A, common tokx found in plastic that can cause cancer and infertility.

But the large-scale production of this ink still seems impossible. But it can also keep the building clean and free of harmful gas. In the future, paint self correction can make new buildings for decades.
Experts have made this ink from a special protein polymer called curly nanofiber where nanofibers are made from the modified E. coli bacteria. Because of their opposite charge, they can join together and form long sheets. The spacecraft made of these materials can automatically correct their debris in distance.

Interestingly, E. coli modified makes gel filled with fluid which absorbs 30% of contaminated and toxic compounds from one gel in 24 hours. Another important point is that after being applied to buildings, bacterial uses can be maintained for years.

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