
PM Imran urges Chinese enterprises to invest in Pakistan’s Special Economic Zones (SEZs).

On Friday, Prime Minister Imran Khan welcomed Chinese firms to invest in Pakistan and benefit from the government’s business-friendly policies.

Following a series of meetings with executives from China’s state-owned and private business sectors, the prime minister stated that Pakistan was providing a favourable environment for investment in Special Economic Zones (SEZs) under the China Pakistan Economic Corridor.

In his speech, the prime minister praised Chinese enterprises for their eagerness to invest in Pakistan.

Leaders from China Communication Construction Company (CCCC), Huazhong Technology, Zhejiang Seaport Group, Challenge Apparel, Hunan Sunwalk Group, Royal Group, China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC), Zhengbang Group, and China Machinery Engineering Corporation met with the Prime Minister (CMEC).

The CEOs informed the Prime Minister on the status of their ongoing initiatives in Pakistan.

They expressed a strong desire to increase their investments in Pakistan in projects involving metal and paper recycling, energy, textile, fiber-optic networks, housing, dairy, and water management.

The CCCC is a global leader in building and infrastructure development; Huazhong Technology specialises in integrated papermaking equipment; and Zhejiang Seaport Group is China’s largest port operator. Hunan Sunwalk’s major businesses are communications, 3D printing, and construction; Challenge Fashions is a renowned textile firm; The Royal Group is China’s largest producer of buffalo milk; CRBC specialises in civil engineering and building projects. Zhengbang Group is the largest agricultural firm in Jiangxi Province, and CMEC is a leading Chinese agro-industrial machinery manufacturer.

Federal ministers, advisors, and top officials joined the prime minister at the sessions.

Previously, Prime Minister Imran Khan stated that CPEC is providing real advantages. BEIJING: Prime Minister Imran Khan stated on Friday that the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is of strategic importance for both nations and that it is generating genuine advantages.

In a virtual meeting with He Lifeng, Chairman of China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and Vice Chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in Beijing, the prime minister voiced his views.

The prime minister expressed delight that CPEC’s early-harvest projects have reshaped Pakistan’s economic landscape, establishing the groundwork for long-term economic prosperity.

The prime minister reaffirmed the two sides’ commitment to the timely completion of CPEC and its high-quality development, saying that both sides would continue to expedite efforts to realise Gwadar’s potential as a hub of regional commerce and industry, while also prioritising preparatory work on the ML-1 and other key energy projects.

During the discussion, all parties examined the status of existing CPEC projects and talked about plans for future efforts.

The prime minister was joined at the meeting by cabinet ministers and top officials, while He Lifeng was attended by Vice Chairmen Ning Jizhe and Tang Dengjie, as well as other senior NDRC officials.

The Prime Minister stated in his speech that the Pakistan-China All-Weather Strategic Cooperative Partnership was time-tested and timeless.

Despite the COVID-19 epidemic, construction on all CPEC projects advanced successfully thanks to both sides’ collaborative efforts.

The prime minister commended the NDRC and competent authorities on both sides for their efforts in this respect.

According to the Chairman of the NDRC, China places great importance on CPEC and is fully dedicated to its continued advancement and development.

He stated that China had been Pakistan’s largest investment and trade partner in the previous seven years, and that both parties were eager to sustain the pace of overall economic and commercial cooperation in the future.

The Chairman went on to say that the NDRC and all other relevant Chinese agencies will continue to work to encourage Chinese state-owned and private firms to engage in CPEC projects.

In this context, both parties agreed to construct new green, digital, health, trade, and industrial corridors to improve sectoral collaboration in these areas.

He Lifeng underlined China’s willingness to assist Pakistan in the fields of industrialization, agricultural modernization, research and technology, and socioeconomic development, thanking the Prime Minister for his strong support.

During the meeting, both parties welcomed the signing of the Framework Agreement on Industrial Cooperation between the Board of Investment (BOI) and the NDRC, which would facilitate the relocation of China’s industrial units to CPEC SEZs and accelerate investment from China and elsewhere, among other things.

Both parties also signed the minutes of the sixth JWG meeting in Gwadar, which took place on December 30, 2021.

Planning Minister Asad Umar and NRDC Vice-Chairman Ning Jizhe signed the minutes.

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