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DeepMind Bigwig Pleads with Uncle Sam: Make AI Play Nice!

Listen up, folks! Mustafa Suleyman, one of the brains behind Google’s DeepMind, sat down with the good ol’ Financial Times and spilled some beans. He reckons Uncle Sam ought to tighten the reins a bit. Specifically? Well, if you’re hankering to get your hands on Nvidia’s latest AI chips, you oughta pinky-promise to use ’em for good. And not just any promise. We’re talking the gold-standard commitment that the big-shot AI companies gave a nod to at the White House. You remember that, right?

Back in sun-soaked July, a bunch of AI honchos like OpenAI, Alphabet, and even the big M (Meta Platforms) vowed to play it safe with AI. They’re marking their AI creations with a lil’ watermark, you know, to keep things on the up-and-up.

Mr. Suleyman shot from the hip, “If you’re grabbing Nvidia chips, at the very least, toe the line with the voluntary promises. Heck, maybe even do one better!” And let me tell ya, Uncle Sam isn’t just listening. He’s going beyond just giving the side-eye to China. Now, he’s taking a harder look at shipping those fancy Nvidia and AMD AI chips to other spots, including a few places in the Middle East.

Now, let’s not forget, Suleyman ain’t just any Joe. He’s also the big cheese at Inflection AI. Ever heard of it? It’s this super-cool startup backed by none other than Microsoft. And guess what? They’re swimming in dough, having raked in a cool $1.3 billion from Nvidia and pals this June.

And hey, ever chatted with Pi? No, not the math thing! Pi’s Inflection’s nifty AI chatbot, using some cutting-edge tech to chit-chat, answering your burning questions and just, you know, hanging out.

Now, I ain’t the only one blabbing about this. Bigwigs and smarty-pants folks are all saying the same thing: AI devs and the suits in charge need to put their heads together and lay down some rules of the road.

So, there ya have it! AI’s the talk of the town, and everyone’s got a piece of advice to throw into the ring. And, honestly? It’s about time.

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