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Which vegetables like to eat Sajjal Ali ?

Which vegetables like to eat Sajjal?
Karachi: Leading Actress Sajjal Ali usually avoids interviews and conversations with fans on social media but yesterday he took the time for his fans in Instagram stories and answered their questions.

They held a #Asksajjal session on Instagram and talked about their fellow actors, the latest projects. Sujal said that he likes Bhandi in food and he likes strong women’s character in acting.

Sujal has also acted in the film produced by Jaichan Khan ‘which must be done with it’. Responding to a question, Sajjal Ali said that Jaima in my opinion to become a woman with a very good temperament, the experience of working with her was very good.
Sajajali said about the actress Rimsha Khan that she was very sweet, hardworking, brave and caring. Sajli said about his favorite food that he liked Bhandi in food.

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