USD to PKR Exchange Rate in Pakistan Today (16th May 2023)
The buying exchange rate for 1 US Dollar (USD) in Pakistan Rupee (PKR) is Rs. 284.47, while the selling exchange rate for 1 US Dollar (USD) is Rs. 284.97. These rates are based on the Pakistan Interbank exchange rate.
Please note that exchange rates for the US Dollar to Pakistani Rupee fluctuate constantly due to global supply and demand. It is advisable to check the current rates before making any currency conversions to ensure you get the best possible rate.
Here is the recent exchange rate history for the US Dollar (USD) to Pakistani Rupee (PKR):
- 16th May 2023: 1 USD = Rs. 284.97
- 15th May 2023: 1 USD = Rs. 285.60
Please keep in mind that these rates are subject to change.