Farrukh Habib once said that successful young people have set aside rupees. 10 billion is used for this plan.
State Minister Farouk Habib said in his speech that the Pakistani country has shown its own performance in every difficult situation, and Pakistan has begun to export corona reduction.
He said that Prime Minister Imran Khan has performed well at every opportunity. We must get the country out of the debt quagmire. Our expenditure is very high and our income is very low. We have trained 25,000 young people and 200,000 young people have skills. Will make
The Minister of State said that the successful youth had allocated rupee. With 10 billion invested in the program, the incubation center is working in Karachi, Islamabad to promote start-ups. Soon, the incubation center will also be established in Faisalabad, Corona from all over the world. Life has changed. We started to make masks in China and export masks and PP bags.
Farrukh Habib said that the Prime Minister has demonstrated the fact that he is the best chief on the planet, Imran Khan needs to make the country an extraordinary country, the country’s consumption is extremely low pay, we need to get the nation in the clear financially, outsourcing program. Rs 10 billion has been designated for this reason, which will make 200,000 youth talented.