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The head of the IMF thinks that UK Prime Minister Sunak’s government will stick to budget rules.

Kristalina Georgieva, the head of the IMF, said on Wednesday that she expects Britain’s new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to get the country’s finances back on track. She also said that Sunak was right to warn the public that hard decisions were coming.

Georgieva told Reuters in Berlin that she liked Sunak’s clear thinking and positive attitude, which she knew from when he was finance minister.

She hopes to talk to Jeremy Hunt, who was just named finance minister, in the next few days.

She said, “The new prime minister has a platform that he worked on while he was chancellor. It’s about being very careful with money and bringing fiscal discipline to the UK. ”

Related: Gopinath of the IMF says that the Fed and ECB are right to tighten policy. 

“I paid close attention as he spoke to the people of Britain. This is a message that should be heard all over the world. These are hard times, and hard times call for hard choices. ”

On Tuesday, Sunak became the third prime minister of Britain in two months. He promised to lead the country out of a deep economic crisis and rebuild trust in politics.

The Times newspaper said that Sunak might put off a fiscal statement that was supposed to happen next week in order to fill a $40 billion hole in the UK’s finances.

On Wednesday, Foreign Minister James Cleverly said that a short delay wouldn’t be a bad thing if it meant the government could make sure the fiscal statement was correct.

When asked about the problem, Georgieva said she didn’t think the plans to publish the statement would change.

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