The rate for buying Saudi riyals with Pakistani rupees is PKR 71.88, and the rate for selling Saudi riyals with Pakistani rupees is PKR 72.01. last changed on February 15, 2023.
Saudi Riyal to PKR Exchange rates change all the time because they depend on supply and demand around the world. If you know the exchange rate for your currency, this page might help you convert money at the best rate possible.
Today | 71.88 | 72.01 |
PKR to SAR (Saudi Riyal Rate in Pakistan)
The Forex Association of Pakistan is where we got the information.
Pakistan’s exchange rates for SAR to PKR and other currencies
US Dollar | USD | 270 | 272.6 |
Euro | EUR | 287 | 289.5 |
British Pound | GBP | 326.5 | 329.2 |
UAE Dirham | AED | 74.3 | 75 |
Saudi Riyal | SAR | 71.5 | 72.5 |
Kuwaiti Dinar | KWD | 886.78 | 895.78 |
Canadian Dollar | CAD | 206 | 208.2 |
Australian Dollar | AUD | 183 | 185 |
Omani Riyal | OMR | 704.83 | 712.83 |
Japanese Yen | JPY | 2.06 | 2.11 |
Malaysian Ringgit | MYR | 64.25 | 64.85 |
Qatari Riyal | QAR | 75.88 | 76.58 |
Bahrain Dinar | BHD | 721.62 | 729.62 |
Thai Bhat | THB | 8.25 | 8.4 |
Chinese Yuan | CNY | 40.68 | 41.08 |
Hong Kong Dollar | HKD | 35.19 | 35.54 |
Danish Krone | DKK | 38.89 | 39.29 |
New Zealand Dollar | NZD | 171.16 | 173.16 |
Singapore Dollar | SGD | 210 | 212 |
Norwegians Krone | NOK | 26.81 | 27.11 |
Swedish Krona | SEK | 26.1 | 26.4 |
Swiss Franc | CHF | 294.47 | 296.97 |
Indian Rupee | INR | 3.34 | 3.45 |