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Judges Give Biden’s Squad a Bit More Slack on Social Gab

BEIJING – Hey, guess what? Didi Chuxing, China’s ride-sharing giant, saw its cash inflow zoom up by a whopping 52.6% between April and June, compared to the same time last year. That’s a cool 48.8 billion yuan (or, if you’re scratching your head, around $6.65 billion). Why the surge? Well, after a whole lot of finger-wagging from regulators and the cloud of COVID-19 restrictions lifting, folks were back hailing rides and keeping the wheels turning.

But hold on a sec, not everything’s rosy. Didi’s books showed a dip with a 300 million yuan loss. Ouch! They spilled the beans in a statement this past Saturday.

Here’s a bit of history for ya. Didi, born in Beijing in 2012, has some heavy hitters in its corner, like Alibaba, Tencent, and SoftBank. But, boy oh boy, did they get in hot water in 2021! They kinda put the cart before the horse and went ahead with a U.S. stock listing, even though some bigwigs in the Cyberspace Administration of China weren’t too pleased. The outcome? A ticket off the New York Stock Exchange last year.

Good news though! Earlier this year, after what felt like ages, Didi started to see the light at the end of the tunnel. China finally wrapped up its nosy cybersecurity check-up on the firm and gave it the green light to pop its apps back onto mobile stores.

And for the cherry on top, Didi’s got some big plans. They’re gearing up to chat up their customers and drivers, promising some super cool deals and fresh offerings for the rest of 2023. So, buckle up and stay tuned!

(And just for the record, $1 is around 7.3430 Chinese yuan renminbi. Neat, right?)

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