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Dollar to PKR – Pakistani Rupee exchange rate on September 19, 2022

USD to PKR purchasing conversion rate of 236.05 according to Pakistan Interbank and the USD/PKR selling exchange rate for 1 dollar is PKR 237.00. 237.00 Updated on 19 Sep 2022.

Dollar to PKR The exchange rates change every day, based on the global supply and demand. In understanding the rate of exchange for your currency, this page can help you with changing currency at the most efficient possible rate.

Dollar to PKR US Dollar exchange rate in Pakistan

18 Sep 22 PKR236.05 PKR237.00

The top Pakistani site for currency rates, offers the most current exchange rates for Pakistan. Open market rates for currency exchange in Pakistan are not identical to open market rates, specifically the rates for dollars. In Pakistan Banks typically have a higher rate of exchange of the currency. We regularly update Interbank exchange rates through our site.

Related: Dollar to PKR: Rate of the US Dollar in Pakistan on September 17, 2022

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