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5 Ecommerce User Experience Best Practices to Drive Conversions

Ecommerce User Experience Best Practices

If your ecommerce website isn’t producing the results you want, it might be your user experience (UX). UX involves everything from the design of your site to the placement of your buttons and links; it plays a huge role in whether or not users will make purchases on your site. If you want to improve your eCommerce user experience, make sure you avoid these 5 common mistakes.

1) Use high-quality images

Your photos are the single most important aspect of your entire website. In fact, studies have shown that customer will stay on a site that has bad functionality and navigation if they have positive thoughts about the products. It’s very important to use high-quality images on your site not just because it looks better and gives the customer a realistic idea of what it is they’re purchasing but also because Google ranks sites with quality images higher in search results.
It’s very important that when you do upload images, though, that you follow some key ecommerce best practices for ensuring conversion optimization like including plenty of detail shots as well as product lifestyle shots.

2) Offer customer reviews

1. Offer customer reviews – Make it easy for customers to see what others think of the product or service they’re interested in. You can achieve this by including reviews on your product pages, which is a relatively straightforward task with Shopify ecommerce software.
2. Encourage online customer reviews – There’s no better way to learn about a new business than reading through online customer reviews. That said, if you want more consumer-generated content for your site, you need to make it as easy as possible for people to post them with minimal fuss. For example, many stores include a submit feedback link on the checkout page that allows customers the opportunity provide feedback after their purchase and rate their experience with your company.

3) Use a search function

The web is full of information, and it can be hard for shoppers to find exactly what they want, so use a search function that provides flexibility. If shoppers are looking for shoes, but don’t know the style or brand they want, consider using a search bar that lets them filter items by price, size or color. Include filters that allow shoppers to narrow their selections based on certain qualities without having them type out specific attributes in their queries. Shoppers who are planning on a shopping trip may find filtering options make it easier than browsing through an extensive product catalog. With these filters in place, you’ll make it much easier for potential customers who are still undecided on what they’re looking for – and make your store more likely to attract new visitors in the process.

4) Offer multiple payment options

As a store owner, your number one goal should be driving conversions. How you do that, exactly, depends on the type of store you have and your target audience. One way you can boost sales is by offering your customers more ways to pay for their purchase. Offering multiple payment options like PayPal or Amazon Pay (which doesn’t require an account!) can help you satisfy customer needs and ensure that they’re satisfied with the checkout process and ready to buy from you again in the future.

Offering multiple payment options is one of the best ways to increase sales and conversions. You may be thinking, but I don’t have enough money! or I’m not sure which one is best for my business. Don’t worry, you don’t need a lot of money or extensive research to get this right. Instead, follow these five steps:
1) Offer PayPal as a payment option: If you are selling products online, offer PayPal as a payment option so that your customers can use the service they are most comfortable with.

5) Use a responsive design

The best way to ensure that your website is able to be viewed across devices is to use a responsive design.
Websites that have a responsive design are written in HTML5 and CSS, which automatically adjusts the layout based on the size of the device (or browser). This means that mobile and tablet users can be ensured of a similar experience to desktop customers no matter what device they use. Moreover, this eliminates the need for organizations with an e-store or e-commerce site to produce two different versions of their sites.
##Snapshot 1: Optimize navigation – Many e-Commerce sites focus so heavily on how products look on their site, but forget about how easy it is for customers to find what they want and make a purchase.


We hope you enjoyed our blog post around how to improve your ecommerce website’s user experience. With the tips provided in our post, you’ll be able to create a better user experience that will drive more conversions. Please let us know if you have any questions by visiting ___. We would love to hear from you!

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